How to export file from your EHR

Follow these example steps for exporting and scheduling your reports:

Export Instructions

  1. Log into EHR Production environment (e.g., Epic) with your credentials.
  2. Find and run the report you wish to export.  Access this via Analytics Catalog or My Reports.
  3. After running the report, go to "Options" and select "Export to File".
  4. In the pop-up window, choose the permitted file directory or create your own filder to save your file.
  5. Locate your exported file in Windows File Explorer.
  6. You can then move the file to any authorized location by dragging and dropping or copying and pasting.

Scheduling Instructions

  1. Navigate to 'My Reports' and select an existing report for recurring export.
  2. Find and select the 'Scheduling' option.
  3. In the scheduling section, set the frequency (daily, weekly, monthly) and time for the report to run.
  4. Choose a specific location to save the scheduled report.