Other Settings
This section allows enabling other features and customizations:
- Site PRO/Form Entry: Toggle "Allow site users to entry PRO/Other forms" to allow site staff to enter PRO and Other form data.
- Large File Uploads: By default, files up to 25MB can be uploaded across the system. Toggle "Enable large file upload" to allow uploading large documents up to 1GB on the Documents page. Other pages and sections remain limited to 25MB uploads.
- Add Forms: Toggle "Enable Add Form" to allow sites to create custom data collection forms.
- Treatment Date Only: Toggle "Treatment Date Only" to only record treatment dates rather than full date and time.
- Ignore PEF Status: By default, PRO forms are only activated when the PEF is complete and the start date arrives. Toggling "Ignore PEF Status" to ON means PRO forms will activate on the start date, regardless of whether PEF is completed.
- Hide Features: Toggle any "Hide ..." settings to ON to hide specific features from the site or subject user interface. For example, toggle "Hide Home" to hide the home screen.
- Disable Reassign: Toggle "Disable Reassign Query" to disable subject reassignment.
Enable each option by toggling to ON. Disable options by toggling to OFF. This allows extensive customization of the platform based on your study needs and user permissions.